
  • Improving business & product intelligence


    Business & product intelligence gathering with strategic perspective is highly skilled art. Wisely planned business intelligence gathering is  deployed by most of the leading edge companies.  Good business & product intelligence is vital for strategy planning. It is not often what you know, but what others know and how others are going to react on their information.

    We offer a dedicated service for providing you product & business intelligence for your industry. You can specify the depth & details you desire, suiting your own strategy needs.

  • Re-engineering your existing products

     We help you re-engineer existing products with design objective  of skipping a product generation. Most engineering teams appreciate extra geek help for fresh engineering perspectives, architectures and designs, yielding next generation products much quicker.


    Re-engineering & designing existing products with design objective of skipping a product generation.

  • Boosting revenue & higher profit margins

                Strategically planned design restructuring and production process & re-manufacturing are seamlessly integrated with least invasion. In case of software/SAAS/Distribution businesses, process restructuring and revenue boosting using better designed Marketing GUIs and social APIs are achived. This is a continuous process till a substantial revenue increase happens.

    Small team iteratively suggests & builds  profitable design changes in the product & product marketing process.


  • Defending your business

                Professional board members & CEOs defend their companies by predefining Black Swan Checklists, thus making a plan to counter vulnerability of each engineering and business process. Good checklist protection in case of natural or human disasters makes your business assets highly reliable.


    Vulnerability testing and black swan checklist making to design reliable recovery and defense plans.

  • Winning strategy & wise design


    Wisely crafted product design is still one of the best competitive advantage strategies. You should design and plan a strategic product considering a final target to gain undominable market share. We help you designing strategically planned products from drawing board onwards.


     Design products & processes with end game in perspective, is wisdom in designing. We have focused purpose and end game in sight when we design a product.

  • Designing & building clever tools

    To build the effective tools, depending on your marketing or engineering team’s strategy requirements. We help you to reintegrate the tool design in product engineering and financial & ROI perspectives. These Quick Turnaround Time tools/process manufacturing are very cost effective services for your marketing, technical & engineering team’s use.

    Plan, design & build effective marketing & engineering tools.

  • Creating effective solutions

     We assist in specialized Product Projects {Case Study: When a middle eastern private equity player wanted to design their own very large Quantitative Financial Software, they deployed our services team for Mathematical modeling, Financial Analysis, Architecture modification & Design. Results: Estimated project cost reduction by 45% / Estimated deployment time advantage 35%.}

    Working on projects in highly specialised technologies where trained human & knowledge resources which are commonly available.

  • Supporting CEOs for special projects

                Test Launching and Rapid Prototyping is one of the extremely popular practices with most CEOs. It is a CEOs idea they want to test with very small risk capital and small team, this is where you test your big idea without disclosing it to anyone. Once prototype and beta launch is successful then you can go big with it.


    Please discuss about quick test launching and rapid Prototyping with one of our specialists or partners.